09 March 2009
Belle, Lacroix & Chalayan
05 March 2009
Pour être Belle
Pour Etre Belle
It's easy to manage and quick to post on. It's just pictures, feelings, quotes, poems, music...
Oh and you may have realised how spacked up the layout is at the moment. You see I was making my new blog and got fed up with what I was trying to do so I reverted the style back to minima classic. And then I realised I did it on the wrong blog!! And this is the most recent layout I have for this blog (it was back in december hehe). Anywhoo I think I'm just going to give up with this blog and direct all my www.thetacitbeauty.com traffic straight to my new blog.
Bye Bye Tacit Beauty :'C
04 March 2009
Hello Kitty

22 February 2009
18 February 2009
Black Pop in NYC

(all F/W 09, left to right) DKNY, Adam, Narciso Rodriguez, Tibi, Max Azria
Gorgeous right? A great way to refrest an old LBD at Adam. Anywho I'm off for another 4 days to a seaside wreakage with one bathroom and no kitchen; at least the surf is good! I'm also missing the demi-bf, not really him, but just talking to him, we haven't spoken since school let out :(
Temperley London F/W 09

13 February 2009
Mystery Jets

Doesn't this top remind you of Chanel? Everything was plastered in sequins - even the drum kit. Pretty impressive. Anyway I'm loving this top. It has a kind of masc/fem feel (that's my code for on a boy it looks girly and on a girl it looks boyish) which I totally love. So Indie. So Mystery Jets.
That was 'Half In Love With Elizabeth', my favourite song. But I just had to mention Big Jeff, who goes to every gig in Bristol, and does not stop dancing in the front row. He even got a shoutout. Here's to you, Big Jeff
11 February 2009
The Brick Man

Oddly inspired by A Cup Of Jo (who published an article about Christoph Niemann and NYC lego) I decided randomly to google 'lego' and came across a passionate legoer Nathan Sawaya. Who would ever think of making sculptures out of lego? This bloke did

08 February 2009
Galliano Beauty
Well why don't you have a try? I have painstakingly photoshopped for hours to create this image (ok, I stole the face off Urban Decay, but I layered it all and put on all the makeup and now I can basically pick and chose my look for the day. It's really cool. If you have Paintshop Pro, I can send it to you) et j'espere que tu l'aime:
- Mac Cream Colour Base in Shell - applied all over face adds subtle shimmer
- Mac Mineralize Blush in Gentle
- Illamasqua Lipstick in Growl
- Benefit Gilded Eye Liner - can be used as highlighter aswell
- POP Golden Sparkle Sauce - used as eyeshadow primer, also gives a golden shimmer
- Barry M Dazzle Dust in Burnt Orange - when combined with Sparkle Sauce, it makes an eyeliner gel
- Barry M Dazzle Dust in Grass - best applied using fingers, it gives a smoother effect
- Star Gazer False Lashes in n.18 - one set on lid and another under eyes
P.S. *YEY* I finally got the silly title thing to go under the words after weeks of angst and a couple of hours of coding. I'm never going to get to sleep now...
Park & Cube

This idea will definitely be pursued. She also DIY'ed those Rodarte diamoned-shredded leggings which I completed yesturday. They looked so cool! I think I will lookbook them. This one is on the blog list for sure.
07 February 2009
Two Things
1) Onyx Necklace

If you knew me way too well, you would know I have a weakness for onyx. It's deep and mysterious and utterly beautiful. This is what I've fallen for. Pointy and multi-faced, it is a lushious treasure. If I ever bought this, she would replace the ionised-silver star as the never-taken-off necklace. At £115 she is reasonably reasonable, but not attainable until birthday-time in the summer. She will go on my permanent circa-£100 wish list along with item #2 (you may have noticed I have refered to this necklace as 'she', this is because she deserves more than an 'it', she is more worthy of life than most humans)
2) Paul Smith Sunglasses T-Shirt
I found this in a real shop (that doesn't happen often usually it's online). And because of the flaws of non-internet shopping, I have failed to find a picture of it, so we will have to suffice with my description and similar examples:
These are no where near as beautiful as the one I found. It was tan-coloured (like naturally olive-skinned people when they haven't been in the sunlight for a long time) with dark brown glasses with lilac lenses. The design wasn't terribly impressive (although the print made them look like real sunnies) but it was the style. I picked up one in a size 10 (I'm an 8) and it had such a nice drape - so casual, but it could easily be worn out with high-waisted bubble skirts and heels and look the part. Very versitile. And at £79 it seems very expensive, but like one of those 'forever' pieces the price doesn't matter. This is on the list.
3) Lily Allen's Album 'It's Not Me, It's You'
When my semi-boyfriend mentioned that this was going to be good I was shell-shocked. She's annoying as f**k, but when I had nothing better to do this evening I downloaded the only song that he could get his hands on. And it was amazing. So I found the torrent for them all! Even though she says some touchy things about giving head, terrorism, drugs and people dying in diamond mines, it is altogether very addictive. It's been on loop and now I've heard each song 5 times. At the mo in England it isn't out. You have to wait till monday. But I thought I would be kind and put them up on the web for my semi-boyfriend. So if you want songs off the new Lily Allen Album, click here. Please bear in mind that I made this for my semi-boyfriend, so it has messages to him, but you really do need this stuff too. Especially 'Back To The Start' and 'Everyone's At It'.06 February 2009

But it will be revived. and I'm going to redo the layout (I can't help it!) and also I've joined lookbook.nu so that will need an update.
18 January 2009
For anybody that is left, I am commencing my dream:
Haven't you always wanted a little jewel-encrusted diary that you can write every meagre detail of your life in? Well so have I, but unfortunately - after numerous searches on Etsy - I have found no such grail. But I have come up with another soon-to-be-neglected idea (just like my pinboard). I have made another blog just for this reason. I want to write about my life as if it were a 1st person novel. And now I can. (If you really care, click here)
So here's the deal. Today I have started one of my all time fantasies, and you should as well. Get a dog or learn how to play the piano, or take up sign language! This is my little revolution. Who follows New Year's resolutions anyway?! So I will continue with this, along with all my other crazy stuff for 2009 (learning to play the piano, guitar, keeping up these blogs, getting straight A*s in GCSE, regularly updating my board, learning how to crochet a bit better, making a dress per holiday, reading all of my books..... the list goes on) and I hope you can be as optimistic as I am!
It wasn't really working out. But don't fret, it is still alive. I decided instead to make it into a novel. Dull Musings - The Love Story. So it is a day-to-day book done in diary format. I love it. I am obcessed. You'd love it, read it!
17 January 2009
Ten Top Nude Nails
10. Paul and Joe Nail Enamel in Sugar Pink
9. Pop Nail Glam in O'Boy
8. Nails Inc in Elizabeth St
7. Jessica's Custom Nail Colour in Cherub Pink
6. OPI Nail Lacquer in Passion
5. Zoya Nail Polish in Ella
4. Essie Nail Polish in Angel Food
3. Barry M Nail Paint in French Polish
2. Ciaté Paint Pots in Couture
1. Rescue Beauty Lounge Nail Polish in Opaque Pink
For Long-Lasting wear I use the Barry M. The Zoya and the OPI have fantastic colour. The Ciaté has a great creamy texture. But overall the Rescue Beauty Lounge had to come top: it is easy to apply, and the colour is so complimenting. Honestly, I recommend them all.
P.S. Do you like the new monochromic style?
Things Everyone Needs
2009's indulgence food is French Toast. Its the adults' eggy bread. Plus: it is french, is that a good enough excuse for the calories? I hope so because once you've tried it you just can't go back.
Alex and Chloe's Acrylic Necklace was very high up the birthday list last year. I have the silver mirrored one, with little etched detailing. Although my friend K is still trying to convince me that people at her school can make them in DT, I still think they're worth buying. And Alex and Chloe have loads of other awesome jewels too.
Although Dove Pro Age Body Lotion is meant for geriatrics, it's honestly good. Bare with me: it is made for shriveled up old people, so they make it really moisurous to un-shrivel them, but for young people it is just extra moisturous and so luxurious! For the record, this wasn't a theory that I was out to test, I ran out of normal body lotion one day and was forced to borrow my mum's!
Kent Tail Comb is fantastic for all of us curly-haired folk. It's great for in the bath to comb through with conditioner and get all of those nasty knots out. And it sorts out partings. And it just looks so classy and professional.
I haven't taken of my Fruit of the Loom Man T since I got it from Amazon. And I'm serious. It's rather disgusting. I'm even wearing it now. On lookbook.nu I found this girl from Vienna, and fell in love with her style. This picture convinced me to go FruitoftheLoom-ing. I bought that sweater and then thought I might as well buy the plain top too, after all, it was only £2. And now I can't take it off. I wear it for lounging, for sleeping in, under shirts, the only time it takes a break is at school (stupid v-neck jumpers...). But I majorly recommend buying one, or two, or more. I think I need some more too, maybe the royal blue and the white. yeah. them.
Bumble and Bumble Curl Conscious shampoo, conditioner and curling creme have got the better of me. As I mentioned in a previous post I received the creme for Christmas, it was so good that the other products just had to be bought. The downside is that each of them were £16. The upside is that you only need to use a fraction of the amount. However, they do make the most perfect of all ringlets. My little hair secret.
Wow I write a surprisingly large amount - considering how I'm failing English - and how they all seem to just fit together like they belong as a set... These are all things that I have and use unsparingly. I would suggest all of them. Especially the french toast. I want some now. Actually scrap that. Don't try the french toast, you'll get hooked and balloon like I am. But that sweet caramalised sugar is just TDF (to die for). And now I need to sleep, because I have to wake up in 3 hours. I hope the trio of posts today will make up for the lack of posts in the coming days. I apologise in advance. Je suis désolé
16 January 2009
What I'm Loving this Week
I take back what I said earlier. That took a long time to write. Anyway if you need something else to do how about read a book. I suggest The Pact by Jodi Picoult, I had read some of her books a long time ago, and this morning I saw this untouched copy on my shelf. Picoult is an ingenious writer of crime dramas, they're fantastic.
I found out something truly horrible yesterday. I only read for knowledge. Not for pleasure (well I do get pleasure from reading. but that is only from the obtained knowledge). Isn't that sad? But the yearning (<--- word of the day) need for knowledge is just too overpowering, so I am now an even more loserish bookworm-nerd who lies in bed all day reading. all day. reading. and then a little bit of blogging. and more reading.
Self Service
10 January 2009
At the Ritz
- VisioLuxus - A great photographer, where the image in the bottom right of the picture came from. She takes some stunning photos, with fantastic light. Take a look at the icicles. wow.
- Norwegian Wood - I found this on a random post at Style Bubble, and simply had to share. Here is what it says their 'Every single item is handmade by me in my studio/apt here in Montreal, using a mix of new and vintage fabrics and trims'. How could anyone not like that? There is an elastic harness which I am now determined to make. Always wanted a harness. They also have a blog, which I put on the list, called Headquarters
Sorry for the long-overdue post. Exams. I've been making this image for days now, and finally got around to posting it. I hope it inspires you
07 January 2009
Spring Ad Campaigns

Katie Homes has been confirmed as the spokesmodel of the Spring 09 ad campaingn, Following in the footsteps of Vanessa Paradis, Drew Barrymore, Kirsten Dunst, and Lindsay Lohan (chunky list). Anyway Miu Miu is one of my forever-favourite designers, lets hope she doesn't disappoint. But I would also like to say that Taylor Momsen, the good-girl-gone-bad gossip girl (who is a month younger than me. grr) was also tipped for the position. I'm glad Homes got it!

Who doesn't ADORE Gucci? I love these spreads, just so exotic and fresh. It feels like it has really momentum. It's like they're all exuisitely dressed foreigners, that don't understand a word of language. But nobody talks because everyone is stunned by their beauty.

It's about time I get some rest, night night
But first let me inform you of breaking news in the Twilight section - Camilla Belle (Evolet from 10,000BC: amazing movie btw), Brenda Song, Vanessa Ann Hudgens.. they have all been considered for the part of Leah the werewolf in New Moon. I want an audition! And apparently Ms Belle has been intimate with RPattz in the past, it will be interesting to see how that pans out. Oh and Rob has also backed out of 'Parts Per Billion'. Damn. Another missed opportunity to see him with his shirt off...
05 January 2009
Pandora's Box

Have you opened your Pandora's Box? What's in it?
This random guy who added me on facebook posted his website so many times I thought I'd check it out. Apparently he's a photographer, but this is like the only picture up. And I love it! Put some more up! Or take some more!
I'll check back soon here
04 January 2009
Copy Kate
topshop has stolen my dress
It's just been taken off the website because it sold out in the sale, but I would like to let you in on the truth (or what I fantasise is the truth). In the summer I had a cocktail party for my birthday, and I made a dress for it. A beautiful tiered black satin mini with a tulle ruffle hem. And I was so chuffed with it that I wrote a letter to Topshop in August detailing my suggestion, with this very picture. I didn't honestly expect to hear back from them; it was just a whim. But sat in bed on Boxing day browsing through the sales online, I found this dress supposedly 'designed' by Kate Moss. What are the chances that they would think of a V-shaped ruffle hem too?

I then sent them an email. They replied that I had to send it to another email address, so I did. They replied saying I would have so send it to head office. My last letter I wrote to Topshop didn't have the impact it should have, so I gave up thinking that they're not too similar. But it is an odd coincidence, isn't it? If you have any thoughts, I would love to hear an objective opinion
03 January 2009
Things to Do This Month
January is going to be good

- (21th January - 17th May) Hussein Chalayan's Exhibition at the Design Museum in London. Showing his best work since 1994, Chalayan is possibly the most innovative and creative designer of the last decade, just look right. He has encorporated airoplane parts, wood, LED lights, condensed chiffon, even balloons! I'm not planning to miss this one.
- (17th - 20th January) Milan Mens Fashion Week. Finally the fashion weeks are back, it's hard to blog when there arn't any shows on, even if it is mens! I'm oddly exited about Etro. A friend of mine mensioned how much he liked them a while ago - when I didn't know much about them - but am now transformed. Etro just has a natural, casual and effortless sense, whilst being intricate and stylish. I need to stick them on my board.
- (9th January - 1st February) 'Corpus Collosum' Exhibition by David Bettie and Karl Burke in London. Here is the low-down on their work, "their lo-fi sculptures and installations are material meditations on the phenomena we take for granted". Can you pronounce w-o-w? Plus, it's a free entry.
- (18th - 20th January) Project New York. It's a bit far away, but I can admire from over here. The Project is more of a couture denim show, a very classy street style if you wish. I just came across it and it seems like an interesting event hosted by Atrium.
Yep. This will definitely become a monthly issue. I would add more, but not much happens in 30 days. Oh wait, I have one more:
- (9th January) Core 1 Maths Exam. Joy. What even ARE bonomial expassions? I really should stop bloging and start working... Good Luck to any of you who have exams in the coming weeks, but for now I bid you adieu
02 January 2009
A Reason for Sleep

I have been searching for something like this for a while... Dylan's Candy Bar - one of my favourite sweetie retreats - makes cute little shorts! At the moment I have a monochromic-rosy-damask-looking pair of pyjama bottoms. I don't even wear them to bed. Much too comfortable for that. They get worn on when I'm ill, and constantly in the holidays. But these are just adorable. They would not be taken off. I might need two. Maybe they would help me get to sleep, all this herbal crap doesn't work and even Night Nurse won't do the trick, but Candy Shorts might work!
Yeah my sleeping patterns have been rather off: not getting to sleep until 5am every morning, but New Year's Eve I didn't get to sleep until 11am; slept all day yesterday, and last night, and somehow I'm still shattered today (I fell asleep doing my work on the dining table, maybe maths wasn't the right thing to wake me up). But the velvet dress went down well!
I have a NEW new year's resolution: Be who you want to be. More specifically I want to wear more distinctive clothes, obtain laughter lines, go to more galleries and fashion shows, buy a pair of designer heels, and some more roller-blades, spend less time wasting time and finally, get 10 A*s at GCSE.
It's excruciatingly annoying to know that nobody cares. I mean - why would anybody? I know nobody looks at personal diary-esqe blogs that are just like 'today we went to the zoo, and I had an epiphany' because I don't. I would talk more about fashion, but it's very hard to stop talking about yourself and your own problems and get down to business, to be perfectly blunt. Seriously try blogging completely content-related stuff. I failed miserably. As you can see.
Can you tell me what you prefer? Slightly personal posts, or just objective stuff? I think I'm going to make a poll for the sidebar, bare with me.
Sorry for that emotional outburst. I won't do it again. Unless you want me to :P